Get Involved

Get Involved

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
– Matthew 28:18-20

Build A Church

Safety & Connection

Creating a Church for the underprivileged provides them with a sense of safety, companionship, and a space to engage in worship and connect with God. Constructing something that will have a lasting impact and benefit those who require salvation is crucial.

Our main focus is on developing nations, where we establish Churches in locations without existing ones. Typically, it only requires $12,000 to fund a Church in these circumstances.

With a capacity to accommodate approximately 200 individuals, these Churches often include a modest living area for the Pastor and their family.

A Greater Purpose

These buildings serve a greater purpose in several communities, extending beyond their role as places of worship on Sundays. In fact, they often serve as the sole communal space in the area, being utilized for various purposes such as schools, medical initiatives, conferences, and numerous other events.

Build a Church: $12,000

Build A Children's Home

Children's Refuge

When a country is going through economic, political, or religious turmoil, it is often the children who are the most affected. In third world countries, there are many children who are left orphaned, abandoned, abused, or neglected. Due to circumstances beyond their control, some parents are unable to care for their children. These children find refuge at the pastor's home, where they receive love and care.

Make A Difference

Through monthly financial sponsorship from donors, these children are provided with nourishing food and a safe environment. They also have the opportunity to attend school and receive necessary medical attention. Most importantly, they are given the chance to develop a relationship with Christ, who serves as a "Father to the fatherless."

Build a School: $12,000

Clean Water Wells

Clean Water

Providing a clean water well has the power to completely transform a community.

There are countless individuals worldwide who lack access to running water, and even basic clean water wells. Water is critical to all forms of life, as human beings are composed of 60% water.

Water is necessary for activities such as bathing, dishwashing, cooking, agriculture, and much more. Despite this, a significant portion of the global population still lacks sufficient access to clean water.

Changing Lives

Just imagine what it would be like to live without water or with limited access. Unfortunately, countless individuals currently face this reality, but your contribution has the potential to completely change their lives.

Clean Water Well: $2,500

Support Widows



James 1:27 says: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”

Nobody is excluded from God's love and He specifically mentions in the Deuteronomy 10:18 verse“ He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow...”

Additional Support

It is our duty to assist these women who require assistance. Several underdeveloped nations lack governmental initiatives to support widows, leaving many of them malnourished, destitute, and even losing their lives.

By contributing a generous monthly amount, you can ensure that widows receive essential provisions and improve their quality of life

Support for Widows: Any Amount

Send A Frontline Messenger


A significant number of native believers who have had a spiritual transformation are eager to spread the message of the Gospel to those in need, but they lack the necessary theological knowledge and base.

Your generous contribution enables a native believer to undergo a Bible training program, which will equip them with the skills to effectively save souls, lead a church, offer guidance to others, and more.


By supporting the education of a native believer in biblical studies, you not only transform that individual's life but also have the potential to positively impact the lives of thousands of people who can benefit from their training.

William Carey, the“Father of Modern Missions”and pioneer missionary to India said,“It is only by means of native preachers that we can hope for the universal spread of the Gospel...”.

Raising financial support for native bible training: $500

Monthly Support A Frontline Messenger

Support Native Messengers

A significant number of native Frontline Messengers/Pastors make substantial sacrifices in order to reach those who are lost in their community, and unfortunately, many of them do not receive any payment for their efforts.

Unfortunately, due to this lack of income, a considerable number of Frontline Messengers/Pastors are unable to adequately serve the needs of their families or provide them with basic necessities.

By contributing just $100, you have the opportunity to support a native Frontline Messenger/Pastor and their family, ensuring that they have the necessary funds for food, clothing, and minor medical supplies, along with other essential items required for daily living.

Help Them Make an Impact

By offering your support to a Frontline Messenger/Pastor, you are enabling them to have more freedom and time to focus on making a greater impact for the Gospel. They can dedicate more energy and effort to serving their community and reaching out to those who are lost. Additionally, you will provide them with the assurance that their family's basic needs will be taken care of.

Monthly Support A Frontline Messenger: $100

Motorcycle For Frontline Messengers


Possessing a motorcycle can enable frontline workers to reach remote, dangerous, and challenging locations that are typically inaccessible by public transportation. The elderly and disabled pastors, in particular, face difficulties in carrying out ministerial duties on bicycles and greatly appreciate the advantages a motorcycle offers.

During instances where pastors have been subjected to persecution and encountered hostile mobs aiming to harass them, a motorbike is essential. Public transportation stations become particularly vulnerable spots where a mob quickly gathers to obstruct ministry efforts and pose significant danger. In such scenarios, frontline pastors require a means to swiftly and safely escape.

Spread the Word

By having access to a basic motorcycle or moped, frontline workers operating in areas of persecution will be able to expand their reach in ministry. Besides serving as a valuable tool for evangelization, motorcycles or mopeds also aid these believers in emergency situations. The ability to save time and travel safely allows for a greater number of people to be disciples and evangelized. Moreover, for some of these frontline messengers, these motorcycles represent their sole means of transportation for themselves and their families.

In the United States, motorcycles are mostly utilized for recreational purposes or as weekend hobbies. However, by donating a motorcycle to frontline workers, their lives can be transformed and they can more effectively spread the message of Jesus Christ to numerous lost souls.

Motorcycle for Frontline Messenger: $1,500

Children’s Program

Supporting Children

When a country goes through economic, political, or religious turmoil, it is often the children who suffer the most. In third world countries, there are many children who are orphaned, abandoned, abused, or neglected. Due to circumstances beyond their control, some parents are unable to take care of their children. In such cases, these children are taken care of by a pastor and his family, who provide them with love and care.

Through sponsors who contribute financially each month, these children receive nourishing food and a clean, safe place to live. They are also able to attend school and receive medical attention. Most importantly, they have the opportunity to know Christ, who serves as a father figure to them.

Make A Difference

By giving just $100 every month, you can make a difference in a child's life by providing them with their basic needs. This includes food, medical care, clothing, school supplies, and other necessary items like toothbrushes and soap. Actions speak louder than words when it comes to showing God's love.

These children are both able to see and experience the love of God when a donor contributes $100 each month to support them.

Children's Program: $100

Donate Bibles

Visit to International Church Building Project

Solve Scarcity

Although the Bible continues to be the most popular book worldwide, there are still over two billion individuals who have not had the opportunity to read it. Shockingly, it is estimated that more than 500 million followers of Christianity lack their own copy of the Bible. This shortage is particularly prevalent in churches throughout Asia and Africa, where the scarcity of Bibles has persisted for several years.

Surprisingly, more than 95% of the Indian population has never owned a Bible, mainly because of the multitude of languages spoken in the country and the inaccessibility of rural regions. Consequently, it is challenging for Indian Christians to find a Bible. Therefore, it is crucial for every believer in Christ to have access to God's Word.

Deeper Understanding

In an effort to alleviate this issue, our aim is to distribute as many Bibles as possible to Christians in Asia and Africa. Not only will these Bibles be cherished and studied, but they will also equip believers with the knowledge to share the Gospel with their family and neighbors who do not yet believe. These Bibles will aid both rural and urban communities in deepening their understanding and faith in God's Word.

Donate Bibles: $5